Returns Information

Returns Information

We hope you love your items as much as we do, however, should you need to return them we will offer a no-quibbles refund or exchange policy on items in the same condition as which you received them.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.
You can cancel or return your order within 14 working days of delivery. Please email us at explaining why you are not happy with the product. The oil must be in a saleable condition and returned to us in its original packaging – we cannot accept oil that has been opened or tampered with unless it is found to be faulty or incorrectly dispatched.
Please note with all refunds and exchanges, return delivery charges are your responsibility and only if the item is found to be damaged or incorrect with those charges be refunded.
Please include your full name and order number with your return and keep proof of postage. This does not affect your statutory rights.

Castorvida For

Eye Health

Eye Health

Enhancing Eye Health - Unveiling the Benefits of Castor Oil Packs

Digestive Disorders & IBS

Digestive Disorders & IBS

Castor Oil Packs To Support Digestive Disorders and IBS

Pain Relief

Pain Relief

Castor Oil Packs for Natural Pain Relief